Sunday, 14 February 2016

13 Extremely Inappropriate Children’s Toys

13 Extremely Inappropriate Children’s Toys


How these companies followed through with releasing these toys in stores is mind-boggling. Lets take a look at some awkwardly shaped toys that have been on toy shelves for years:
#1: Batman Water Gun
The cap on Batman’s rear along with the trigger strategically located on his frontal region had to have been some pervert’s idea of a sick joke. Also, why does Batman’s mouth have to be open like that? Come on… This is for children!
#2: The Punisher Gatling Blaster
Was this really unintentional?
#3: Nimbus 2000 Vibrating Broomstick
This broomstick’s vibrating ability does not seem relevant to the overall product. WHY does it need to vibrate?! Poor kids are going to be very confused at a very young age.
#4: Dora The Explorer Aquapet
There are many ways to design a fish tank without shaping it like an enormous dildo.
#5: The Breastfeeding Doll
There is no reason why an 8 year old girl should be practicing breastfeeding. At LEAST wait until she starts high school!
Screen shot 2013-03-14 at 7.35.55 PM
#6: The Peni-Pal Unicorn
Yes, mythical unicorns do have horns sprouting from their foreheads… but I don’t remember the unicorn from The Last Unicornhaving a baby penis growing out of her head.
#7: This elephant pop-up children’s book
If you have bad eyes, this is what it says next to the elephant:
“He’s also very large. If something ever makes him mad, he’ll trumpet and he’ll charge.”
#8: E.T. finger light
Yes, everyone wants to recreate that awesome scene when E.T. and the boy touch fingers and create a bright light. But this toy nothing but a creepy, wrinkly, and unusually long penis.
ET finger
#9: This Donald Duck ride
Lord have Mercy, this is just wrong! What kind of sick parent do you have to be to sit back and watch your innocent daughter ride Donald Duck like that?!
#10: Pole Dancer doll
And she’s even wearing a bikini. Was this doll made for children or creepy pedafiles?
pole dancer
#11: Twin Tower Attack toy
What kind of psycho would think that this was a good toy for children? Clearly not an American.
twin tower
#12: Cuddle With Me Dolls
Clearly, placing a little black girl with a monkey is going to cause immediate outrage in the African-American community. The little girls hat even says “lil’ monkey”. Imagine the amount of complaint letters they got for this one.
#13: Baby Wee Wee toy
A little boy doll that pees his pants with his fully detailed penis.weewee

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